Saturday, June 30, 2012


I really have a hard time remembering things short-term due to Asperger's. Unfortunately, this means all the day to day stuff like household chores, paying bills or doing something someone asks of me.
I forget to do something outright or I get called away from doing something and forget to return to it. I could be in the middle of folding laundry and if someone calls me away briefly for some reason, I forget all about it and do something else. Out of sight, out of mind is unfortunately the way of things for me.
Long-term memory is a whole other thing. I can tell you about things that happened when I was a kid but I may not remember what I ate for dinner yesterday. It almost sounds like Alzheimer's but I've been like this my whole life. I'd forget to do homework assignments in school so my grades would suffer even if I knew the material and tested well.
Now days I use calendars, post-its, electronic devices like my phone or laptop to remind me of stuff but things still slip by me. I can schedule the homework or the bills but it's very unlikely I'm going to program my computer to remind me to put the wash in the dryer or to feed the fish. Post-its only last so long before they blend into the background and get ignored. I'm always under a constant stress that I must be forgetting something even if I can't figure out what it is at the moment.
I'm trying to communicate this to those around me so they realize I'm having trouble. I hesitate because I can imagine some people just seeing it as an excuse to be lazy but it really isn't that at all. IF I remembered I would readily do it. Honestly, I feel really overwhelmed trying to remember and trying to prioritize everything that needs to be done. Of course, add a four year-old that requires assistance every 30 seconds and it's almost maddening.

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