Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I'm finding out the hard way that I need to tell people that I have issues associated with Asperger's. In my mind it feels like a cop out so I don't do it. In my own self I feel "normal" not realizing that I'm not really like others. I have different strengths and weaknesses than people with the typical mindset....neurotypical, as you will.
I can usually tell you where anything is in a given area, like my home or workplace. I'm very good at retrieving  but I'm not good at organizing. I have a hard time putting order to things in my environment in a tangible sense but can organize it in my mind somehow so that I know where things are the environment. I have a hard time prioritizing tasks. I'm better at follow through than I used to be but that's been a learned thing. Apparently, I have problems with time. I think I spent a few minutes doing something that others tell me I spent much longer doing.
What I'm finding both on a personal level and out in the world is that while I think I'm keeping pace with demands upon me that I'm really not and if others don't know I have certain problems due to my Asperger's that I'm really shooting myself in the foot. I could be relieved of tasks I have difficulty doing and given other tasks I do better at if I learn to share that information when appropriate. Now, to just get over myself...

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